How to Ensure Funds are Used Properly?

All the fund raised will be transferred to the “China Education Development Fund, China Education Association, HKUSU”. The Fund is supervised and managed by the Fund Management Committee, which comprises three CEA executive committee members and two honorable representatives of the community - Mr. Gilbert Mo Sik Keung, Deputy Law Draftsman, Law Drafting Division of the Department of Justice, and Mr. Ip Kin Yuen, Former Principal of HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity.

The monetary subsidy is directly remitted to subsidized students’ schools. In order to ensure the proper use of donations, students’ admission documents and subsidy receipts are collected before subsidization.

In addition, we organizes trips to subsidizing region yearly so as to visit the subsidized students and to make contact with the schools there. Through the above process, we confirm the list of students to be subsidized and monitor the cash flow of the Fund. Moreover, our annual financial report is audited by a professional auditor, and published in our annual journal and website.